SATADAL and Music Coordinators


The role of Satadal Coordinator can be summed up in many different ways. However, I have come up with a 6-point plan to be a successful coordinator:

  1. Get elected (always handy)
  2. Have handover period (gotta know what you’re doing)
  3. Get a team together (all your minions!! Get a good team of designers, proof readers and chasers to help get the work done)
  4. Get working!
  5. Get it printed (making sure everyone has a copy)
  6. Hand those babies out!! (and watch everyone love your masterpiece)

On a more serious note, this is a big role: without you, IH wouldn’t have an awesome book filled with memories! So if you want to be remembered forever in print make sure to get your nominations in!

Music Night photo 1


Music Night is IH’s biggest music event of the year – one where anyone can get involved either through performing, organising or spectating. Based in Semester 2, the Music Night Coordinator is in charge of the whole event and can shape it to their heart’s desire! Need more reasons to apply for the role? You get a bunch of minions who you get to command to help you out (known as your committee), you get a firsthand look at IH’s best musical talents, and you get the satisfaction of putting on a show that gets the musical vibe of IH going! So go ahead and get your nominations in!

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